Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let out

sometimes my head is filled with clouds of thought
and the best way to clear them is like this
write a couple words to try and express what my mind has caught
rhyming or not im just trying to translate the thought
what im trying to say is im just trying to bear out
i spill my notion into a crowd of words that let out a shout
no doubt
im not a perfect guy, i learn from my mistakes
young jason once thought money was all he needed to take
before he knew school wasnt all a perfect place
but the truth comes and the truth can hurt
so bear with me through the confusion and the ties
because everything you see in the media can be nothing but lies
confused so i write and keep writing
leading me to a piece of my view, undying
so much on my mind i may get off task
but thats why i write because a mic maybe in my grasp
and when i do i hope your there
to see how i've grown to hear what i have to share
but i warn you. now that i've begun
something new has started and it will always be on the run
because this is how i was taught
why back down when i have a clear shot
lock, load, squeeze,
i release a bullet each time released from my mind
aiming at yours hoping to make an impact each time
each filled with unforgotten knowledge
hit chu so hard may leave you unconscious
stay conscious or something maybe hit chu once again
because my voice is my free weapon.
no need to reload, infinite automatic bucking
words so painless, but yet damn devastating
hit the towers again and wouldve have taken bush, osama, and even clinton
so let out what i write
once my words hit you wont wanna go back to that life

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Like they own the place

"the millionaires".
they make music artist look like shit. they got some dumb fans fast because they had a billion friends on myspace. now they acting like they own the music spot. i despise artist like this. i guess the fake is funner. go back to wearing a mask of make up. its all good

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Long beach

Today i decided to go down to beat rock grand opening in long beach. I go there around 2 and heard bambu wasnt performing until 11 or something. sucks but it was still nice. i got 4 t shirts one which was purchased by a guy who felt sorry for me and justin for being the first ones there and being there the whole time. though i didnt see bams performance i still got to talk with him and saw eyeasage, bambu, and counter parts. chill

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


schools teach, to get rich is the future
but what we do when money aint always the answer
kill for the money, cheat for the cheddar
what you gonna do when your family is to suffer
pick my religion, pick my brothers
make my decision, try and change my color
never will you have control over me
9/11 the government wont ever make me believe
bush president? again was all a cheat
over your heart put your right hand
stand up and pledge for a stolen land
everythings turned into a starbucks, mcdonalds
shit my house is next, soon to be a carls
its time to wake up and smell the truth
time for all to educate the youth
livin life can be so simple
till you witness an experience that aint so forgetful
we need to take it back be black panthers strong
hand out the sayins of mao zedong
runnin from problems wont ever get em solved
holding a gat wont make em dissolve
step forward as easy as it is to step down
marching forward never in reverse
so use your voice make that sound
take money money! take our freedom!
never. i'll keep writing till i see the clouds disperse
and i see the sun

Monday, October 20, 2008

the love

the love for my people will always stay same
i'll keep on marching with people power in my name
i've always kept my native tongue even after all ive became
i will never forget the very day i stepped into this rain
because ever since i've witnessed such drastic change
of course ive made mistakes from honesty to fame
but now i know whats become of this very game
because these kids living in fabrication
i write to release my pain
but these rappers all on a despicable reign
me kiwi, bambu, aint feeling your fake twinge
so me and the youth with such a potent truth
have come to tear you down to termination
keep it real and fuck a label deal
i write to right
and keep my fight
fist up till the day my candle is burnt up

Sunday, October 19, 2008

fuck if they aint like us

this is specifically directed to you
the one with the power the one that makes the rules
the one that dont know squat about what the youth must go through
you act like you know me but you dont, do you?
you hate on me cause im bald headed
while you miss that guitar kid without being degraded
now go ahead accuse me of being gang related
but is this called being fair or is it called being hated?
you think eveythings a crime
take some time know whats going on in my life line
things change nothing ever stays the same
im telling you im here to show you up ive had enough
this is more than just school its called corrupt
take a look from a different perspective
you only think of yourself selfishly negative
i'd be glad to help make this school a better place
but when you put hiphop down better watch your face
im not threatening your nor am i trying to make you a disgrace
im just saying be cool
by the way i get good grades in school
yeah looks can make you act a fool
but class can sometimes make me drool
hand in the air wave it like you just dont care
just asking for an all fair share
educate yourself and get the ignorance out of your hair

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

more more more

so its about time i've done something with these words of mine
pick up a pad and a pen and release my mind
give my word out to the youth
even if they're unprepared i spill the truth
look and recognize the proof
i keep my nose in a book
keep my knowledge up and unshook
so i could release my mind with a mic someday
in front of a crowd so i can say
"fuck the police, fuck the war, fuck all the oil and lives they stole"
and everyone can put the fist in the air
saying and screaming for an all fair share
the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer
fuck that bullshit, they abuse their power
while poor gets poorer and the rich is getting richer
kids dying in the 3rd world from thirst and hunger
someday when i can grasp that mic
i could share my knowledge and the life i strife
and show the community the real opportunity
cause this place is changing day by day
i wanna take it back to when it used to be safe
so my child wont have to live fear
take it back a couple years
i take a look in my life rear
i never knew the world shed so much tears
so before you think that you had it bad
think of others some without a mom or a dad
some shot for oil in iraq
someday when i have the power of a mic
and the control of a crowd
i will do my best with my voice screamin out
the truth is here and the time is now
let them all hear
let it out loud
loud and clear

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Knitting Factory

So today technically, last night i guess, i went out to LA with justin to catch bambu and phatty at the knitting factory. it was cool. bambu did a great job on his performance. a long with now on and u-n-i. common market performed as well but i didnt stick around cause it was getting late and it would take awhile because the other performers took his records i guess. but yeah had fun. purchased a shirt and phattys CD. he signed it "china & korea unite"-dj phatrick. haha i love that guy. i hope they come out here again soon. i think its dec 6 is when. if i recall thats what bams manager said. but yeah nice day today. if you havent heard the exact change album be sure to get a cop of it. it is mad hype! life for me has been okay lately. lots of ups and downs but im good. so yeah. peace!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a millie

a millie a millie a million bucks
being taken away from us
by this false little fuck
make a million more make a million bucks
to spend it all on a stupid little scarf
now lets write some more tracks
and write some more raps
so the audience thinks i really can rap
so they think im the best
so they think im "hiphop"
in secret really all my spits arent off the top
but fuck it
lets trick a million
trick a millie more
lick a lolipop and get all the whores
all these little kids
riding this fuckers dick
follow his hiphop so we all can cop
a millie a millie a million bucks
kids all they need is a million bucks
so they listen to this shit make it easier to drop
cause really all we need is a million bucks
think of all the kids all around the world
aint no food, aint no shelter, kids being shot
schools at lunch surprised by a drop
from a bomb hit all the table tops
now all the kids being put on lock
but you right here makin a millions bucks
a millie a millie a million lost
in this war in iraq really should stop
all america want is oil in our cars
even if means to take an a infants life, a moms, a fathers, or a million more
as long as we fill all our pipes
fuck a million fuck a million more
take me out of class to go to the war in iraq
never will i bow down to your fake ass
id rather live that than take a bullet to the face
get rich and fuck a million more
fuck it all, i'd rather be poor

obama '08

So tight.. if i see you walking around with this on your shirt when you dont know anything about him


today after school i heard some pretty darn ignorant words from some people. there was this girl making racial comments like it was nothing. but shit like that is something and i hate it. and there was this black boy talking i over heard him using the word "nigger" multiple times. shit like that happens cause people like that dont take it seriously. they probably wouldnt enjoy me saying stuff like that. but really they need to watch their fucking mouths because what you say is you. cant just be joking about shit like that. i really dont appreciate hearing things such as this. i would have said something but i was interested in being called a chink or something. shit like that dont get to me but i really think it is ignorant to hear such things. and im tired of all these girls wearing those fucking recycle bags and saving the earth shit. i thought you get that shit for free for actually doing something, but they just buy that shit so it look like they care when they the ones choppin down trees and shit. fake mutherfuckers. hahaha but yeah i know so much better than that. watch what you say cause what you say is you.